Is all about Education,Exams runs, and PC knowledge


Sunday 29 October 2017


(1a) A - Disc plough  B - Mouldboard plough 
 (1b)  (I) A is used for ploughing the soil while B  is used for primary tillage.  (II) A is used to turn over top soil before planting while B is used for making ridges. 
 (1c) I - Beam cap II - Standard beam III - Frame
  (1d) (i) A is stronger than B (ii) A can be used in tropical region while B cannot (iii) A can be used in clayey soil while B cannot 
 (1e) IV - Mouldboard V - Share point VI - Vertical disc hitch
 (1f) (i) Hoe (ii) Cutlass ========================== 

3a) E- coco nut tree F- bod pest G- tuber
 3b) i)palm oil ii)soap production
 3c) pest: birds disease: palm bud 
3d) i)leads to scientific resreach and discovery ii)it destorys the plant for a form of ecosystem =========================

 4a) H- Cat fish I- hen
4d)source of carbohydrate Serve as food food

This Post Was First Published by expomata.blogspot.com

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