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Monday 6 November 2017

Grow Your Hair With This Simple Trick in Just one Week - Expomata

How to make your hair grow faster than ever! only one week
On average, hair grows half an inch a month but how would you like to grow your hair over an inch in just one week? Find out how you can more than triple your hair growth AND grow brand new hairs here.

Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been some what follically changed with a very sluggish hair growth cycle. This is caused by a combination of genetics, over-styling and a low iron count, and my hair can go through phases of struggling to grow new hair so it needs a helping hand every now and then.
I was always looking for how to grow hair faster and over the years I’ve experimented with lots of different hair products and home remedies. After a lot of reading and heaps of testing, I’ve finally found a formula that really does work. I’m mostly concerned with cultivating new hairs, but it was a very happy surprise to find my hair grew rapidly at the same time.
Now I know it’s hard to believe, but this article really can teach you how to grow your hair in one day. I want to share with you what has worked for me because it may just work for you…

How Fast does Hair Grow

Before we start on the ways to make hair grow faster, let’s first discuss how quickly it usually grows so we can understand what to expect.
According to the U.S Center for Disease Control, hair grows at an average of 0.50 inches (1.25cm) per month which means the average person grows 6 inches per year.
The speed at which your hair grows can depend on two things: genetics and the shape of your follicles. Asian hair is on average the thickest and most coarse hair compared to Caucasian and African hair. Now I am of Asian descent but my mother has very thin hair while my father has very thick hair. I have a combination of both their hair so I have thick hair strands but unfortunately not much of them!
Hair grows at 0.50 inches on average per month which to me sounds like a lot but in reality why doesn’t it feel it? Well, things like over-styling, bad diet and not taking good care of your hair can result in split ends and breakages which shorten the length of your hair.
So this lead us to the next question…

How Does Hair Grow?
Each hair grows from one follicle and, again depending on your genetic makeup, your scalp can have between 90,000 and 150,000 follicles.
Follicles are a mammalian skin organ and along with stem cells, they help produce and grow hair. Your hair begins to grow from the root in the bottom of the follicle which is made up of cells of protein.Blood from the blood vessels in your scalps feeds the root which creates more cells and makes hair grow. In this article, you will find tips that will both directly boost cells of protein and blood flow which should result in faster hair growth.
The production of hair occurs in three different phases.
Anagen – The growth phase. The longer a hair remains in the Anagen phase the longer it will grow – this depends on genetics but it can last 2 – 6 years.
Catagen – This is a transitional phase that hair goes into once Anagen has ended. The hair follicle will shrink, the papilla detaches and the hair is no longer attached to it’s ‘life supply’ of nutrients. Hair is no longer growing.
Telogen – Also known as the resting phase. The follicle remains dormant and the hair will be anchored in place. Depending on the strength of the follicle, it will eventually soften and the hair will eventually break free and shed.
The phases run simultaneously so some hairs on your head will be in the Anagen phase and others in Telogen. For each hair strand, the Anagen phase should start again once the Telogen phase is complete, but some people may experience longer Telogen phases meaning hair is shedding but no new hair is growing.
This may result in thinning of the hair, so what we want to do is effectively ‘jump-start’ the Anagen phase and encourage the growth phase to begin.
There are a few ways we can help our bodies to do this, which I will explain later.
While genetics or other growth inhibitors like Chemotherapy or Alopecia may prevent you from being able to ‘jump-start’ the process, you may be able to achieve this with the following steps.
Disclaimer: What has worked for me may not work for you, but I found all these elements together helped my hair grow over an inch in a week and I also found a lot of new hairs on the crown and around my hairline.

How to grow your hair long - fast
1. Eat Biotin-rich food to help hair grow

Biotin, also known as Vitamin H, forms a part of the B-complex group of vitamins that help turn food into fuel for energy. It also assists in the metabolism of fats, carbs and amino acids which are the building blocks of protein.
As we discussed earlier, hair begins to grow from the root in the bottom of the follicle which is made up of cells of protein. So to make it simple – we need to eat a protein-rich diet, but for faster hair growth you need need to be making sure you’re eating Biotin-rich foods too in order to facilitate the building blocks of protein.
Your daily requirement is 30 micrograms so ensure you’re getting in the minimum by taking it in a supplement form which is commonly found in health stores like Holland & Barrett. If you prefer, you can eat foods that are naturally high in Biotin. I prefer to do this as the Biotin-rich foods will have many other body boosting benefits, too such as stronger nails and eyelashes

Food to make your hair grow faster
Almonds, Peanuts, Pecans and Walnuts
Eggs (the yolk has one of the highest concentrations of Biotin)
Milk and Cheese
Pork and Cooked Liver
Salmon and Sardines

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